


Hi, I’m Kelsey! I’m a multidisciplinary designer 💻 based in Austin, TX. I currently work as Senior Brand Designer for Gainful, a personalized nutrition & supplement startup based in New York, NY🗽

I’ve always known I was passionate about design, and I decided on this career path at the age of 11, after being exposed to design tools in my middle school yearbook room. Fast forward over a decade, I graduated with my BFA in Design from the University of Texas, as well as receiving a minor in Business. I like to think of myself as a solutions-focused designer, using design thinking to solve business problems. Not only should a designer bring a unique aesthetic perspective to the table, but I also strongly believe that designers are innate problem-solvers, the most successful of which move beyond the qualitative, and whose impact can seen in business metrics 📈

In addition to my work as a designer, I am deeply passionate about leadership, philanthropy, and empowering others to live their best life. In my personal life, I enjoy almond milk lattes ☕️, traveling ✈️ (experimenting with the digital nomad life!), reading up on new scientific studies about nutrition, health & longevity, as well as creating health & lifestyle content on TikTok and Instagram📱

Want to know more? Feel free to drop me a line: contact@kelseylynnjones.com.