Auctane Social Media Strategy
Auctane Social Media Strategy
Auctane is the parent company to four shipping tech companies (ShipStation, ShipEngine, ShipWorks & ShippingEasy).
One major initiative for my role was to develop a streamlined social presence for each of Auctane’s brands. Though its implementation is still in progress across all brands, I have narrowed in on the aesthetic for Auctane, ShipStation, and ShipEngine.
I developed a variety of template designs for each brand for our Social Media Coordinator in order to ensure cohesion for each brand. I navigated the challenges of maintaining rigid brand guidelines while developing engaging designs to grow our platforms. The following images show the solutions I developed, which save our team time and elevate our brands to measure up to our competitors (ex: Shopify). Instagram is the primary platform used to reach new users and communicate with our existing merchants.
Below are some screenshot examples of how the files are built in Illustrator. I included this to show my ability to organize large files as well as create a large number of iterations and templates for variety.